Thanks to our digital showcases, citizens can access current information from the village even without direct Internet access.
In Irsch in Rhineland-Palatinate, many citizens are active in village and club life. This is particularly important for social cohesion in the small wine-growing community on the Saar. With two public village information points, the carnival society "Närrisches Saarschiff" Irsch now ensures that no one misses important news.
Most of the village community's training sessions, rehearsals and events take place in the gymnasium and multi-purpose hall and in the community center in Irsch. Here, we installed presentation screens outside the buildings that can be operated very easily using keypads. With this modern digital offer, the association wants to contribute to breaking down barriers. After all, not all citizens can access news about the association's life via the Internet or their own smartphone, for example. With the new screens, everyone stays informed about what's happening in the village.
At the two digital village information points, there are also covered seating areas that promote exchange and communication between all residents of the village. In this way, the site has become a new meeting place for citizens to exchange information about village life.
Aktion Mensch supports the digital village info points in Irsch with 5,000 euros.
Together with the city, we have implemented an innovative city information system: outdoor touch steles, showcases and digital door signs.
A new LED wall, installed and planned by Wedeko, was recently installed in Weiden in the Upper Palatinate.