How-to-Guide: Successful implementation of digital signage systems

How-to-Guide: Successful implementation of digital signage systems


Digital signage systems are now an integral part of many industries. They offer numerous benefits, from improving the customer experience to increasing efficiency in communication. In this how-to-guide, we show you how you can successfully implement digital signage systems.

1. define goals

Before you start with the implementation, you should define clear goals. What do you want to achieve with your digital signage system? Common goals are:

  • Improving customer communication
  • Increased sales through targeted advertising
  • Informing and entertaining customers and guests
  • Optimization of internal processes

A clear objective helps you to measure the success of your project and make the right decisions.

2. understanding the target group

A successful digital signage system is geared precisely to the needs of your target group. Think about who your target group is and what information they need. Examples:

  • Customers in a retail store
  • Guests in a hotel
  • Patients and visitors in a hospital
  • Employees in a company

By understanding your target audience, you can create content that is truly relevant and engaging.

3. select location and hardware

The location of your digital signage displays is crucial to their success. Choose locations with high visibility and accessibility. Some tips:

  • Entrance areas
  • Waiting rooms
  • Checkout areas
  • Conference rooms

In addition to the location, the choice of the right hardware plays a key role. The right hardware is the foundation of a successful digital signage system. It must meet the requirements of the intended use in order to achieve optimum results. Here are some important factors to consider when choosing hardware:

  • Screen size and resolution: Depending on the area of application, you need different screen sizes and resolutions. A large display with a high resolution is ideal for promotions in shopping centers, while smaller screens are ideal for menu boards in restaurants.
  • Brightness and legibility: Make sure that your displays are easy to read even in different lighting conditions. High brightness is particularly important outdoors or in brightly lit rooms.
  • Interactive features: Touchscreens and other interactive features can increase user engagement. Consider whether such functions make sense for your intended use.
  • Robustness and durability: In heavily frequented areas, such as on public transport or at trade fairs, robust and durable displays with enclosures are essential. Look out for resistant materials and protection against vandalism or environmental influences.

By choosing the right hardware, you can ensure that your digital signage system works reliably and effectively and conveys your messages optimally to your target group. We will be happy to advise you on this.

4. planning software and content

The right software is at the heart of a successful digital signage system. It should be easy to use and flexible. Pay attention to the following functions:

  • Simple content management
  • Planning and timing of content
  • Integration of social media and other data sources
  • Customization options for different displays

Content is the key to success. Create a content strategy that is regularly updated. Use a mixture of:

  • Information and news
  • Advertising and promotions
  • Entertainment content
  • Interactive elements

5 Installation and commissioning

Plan the installation carefully. Ensure that all technical requirements are met, such as power supply and internet connection. Test the hardware and software thoroughly before putting the system into operation. At Wedeko, we take care of the configuration of the systems.

6. training and support

Train your employees to use the digital signage system. They should know how to manage content and respond to technical problems. Good support is essential to minimize downtime.


The successful implementation of a digital signage system requires careful planning and continuous optimization. By setting clear goals, understanding your target audience and choosing the right hardware and software, you lay the foundation for a successful project. With regular training and support as well as continuous monitoring and adjustment, you can ensure that your digital signage system delivers maximum benefit.

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