✔️ When are the peak hours in my store?
✔️ Is the store location still worthwhile?
✔️ What effect does the weather have on visitor behavior?
✔️ Was my online advertising campaign successful?
✔️ Is the staffing level optimally adapted to the workload?
✔️ How many passers-by walk past my store every day and how many of them enter the store?
✔️ Which entrance attracts the most visitors to my store?
✔️ How long do customers spend on average in the seating area or outdoor dining area?
✔️ How do customers move through the store?
✔️ In which areas should incentives be created?
✔️ Are remodeling measures worthwhile?
✔️ How busy is my store at the moment?
✔️ Do you have to limit access?
✔️ What is the current customer waiting time?
✔️ How can you optimize your counter?
✔️ Do you have to schedule more staff on certain days of the week?
Together with the city, we have implemented an innovative city information system: outdoor touch steles, showcases and digital door signs.
A new LED wall, installed and planned by Wedeko, was recently installed in Weiden in the Upper Palatinate.